Brian Zahnd's Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God: The Scandalous Truth of the Very Good News is, in a word, breathtaking! Zahnd is working toward a radical (getting-to-the-root) Christ-centered biblical hermeneutic. I was soaking up every word of this beautifully written, entirely accessible, utterly practical theology book that combines rich faith with practical living. This really is a book of "Very Good News" and it points toward a sea-change that's happening among Christian evangelical preachers these days. I won't give away too much, but by the time you get to the second chapter ("Closing the Book on Vengeance"), be prepared to read slowly. I've dog-eared my copy at page 30 (once you read it, you'll find out why). But Chapter 7 is my favorite. Honestly, if all you did was buy this book and read that chapter, you'd have your money's worth. I have honestly never read anything that so clearly and simply explained the ri...