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Showing posts from July, 2017

My Review of "The Dream Centered Life"

The Dream Centered Life: Discovering What Drives You by Luke Barnett helps us to center our lives on God.  It's a beautifully-written and spiritually-sensitive guide that focuses God as the center point of our whole life, how putting our trust and faith in him will help us live a better overall life. God has a specific design for each life he creates, and Barnett outlines the way in which obedience -- though often difficult -- is actually a daring adventure in which we discover what actually drives us.   I received a free copy of this book as part of the Blogging for Books program in exchange for my honest review here.

My Review of "When Faith Catches Fire"

Samuel Rodriguez and Robert Crosby's When Faith Catches Fire:  Embracing the Spiritual Passion of the Latino Reformation celebrates the so-called "salsafication" of the church and offers a glimpse into the future of the Western church's reformation in the leadership and faith of the growing Latino church.  We're all familiar with the census data that show the growing Latino presence in the US -- but most of us (well, at least me!) might be unfamiliar with the growing faith communities that are a part of that presence.  When Faith Catches Fire is an amazing book that explores those communities in all their depth and richness, and offers was the church might change in the Spirit to offer the passion of that faith to the wider culture. I received a free copy of this book as part of the Blogging for Books program in exchange for my honest review here.